Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) | Page 2 | iHanuman


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English Name: 
Crocodile Pose
Practice Type: 
Practice Level: 
Asana Image: 
Asana Description: 

Geometry: This pose is a variation of Salabhasana where the hands are interlaced behind the head, elbows shoulder-width or slightly wider.


From a prone position, lift each leg one at a time and internally rotate the inner upper thighs in towards the ceiling while externally rotating the back inner upper thighs out. Interlace the fingers behind the head and draw the elbows towards shoulder width or slightly wider. Exhale and raise the head, chest and thighs up from the floor at the same time. The abdomen remains on the floor.

Extend the legs back and press the tailbone down.

Extend the elbows and upper arms forward and up to lift the chest.

Extend the legs and lift the front inner upper thighs towards the ceiling and lift the legs more. 

Lift the elbows and take the inner shoulder blades into the back to lift the chest.

Extend through the inner legs and feet and and lift the inner legs and feet more towards the ceiling .

Spread the back inner thighs out and widen the sacrum.

Exhale and release the head, arms and legs back to the floor.

Additional Actions:

Press the lower sacrum down.

Roll the front thighs in.

Lengthen the sides of the waist.

Extend from the outer armpit to the outer elbow and the inner elbow to the inner armpit.

Press the back of the head into the hands to broaden and lift the chest and sides of the waist.


Common Issues:

Shoulder blades do not move down and in the back.

Fingers are not interlaced.
Elbows are too wide or too narrow.

Legs are not extended.

Inner foot is not extended.
Inner thighs are not rotated inwardly.

Sanskrit Pronunciation: 

This pose aids digestion and relieves gastric troubles and flatulence. This pose helps the spine to become more elastic and aids in relieving pain in the sacral and lumbar regions. The bladder and prostate also benefit from this pose.

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