All Levels Restorative Yoga for Fertility - Iyengar Yoga with Sara Agelasto | iHanuman


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All Levels Restorative Yoga for Fertility - Iyengar Yoga with Sara Agelasto

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This all levels Iyengar Yoga Class is a 75 minute restorative class recorded with Yoga Cville, the home to Iyengar Yoga in Charlottesville, Virginia by iHanuman Yoga Media. View and Download More Yoga Workshops and Classes at Restorative classes require more props than most yoga classes and this class recommends the use of the wall, 2 blocks, a chair, a strap, several blankets and a bolster or cushion. This relaxing class is dedicated to the beginning of the spring and is a sequence to supporting fertility from Iyengar Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health.  

Credit: Nikolay Titov
English name: Mountain Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
The feet are together. The ankles, knees, hips and shoulders are in one line. Press into the feet to draw the thighs up.Fronts of the thighs move towards the backs of the thighs.Roll the outer shoulders ... more
Urdhva Hastasana
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
English name: Upward Hands Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Urdhva Baddhangullyasana
Model: Shelly Chow Manoa Yoga Center
English name: Upward Bound Fingers Pose
Practice type:
Practice level: Beginner
Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita Trikonasana Model: Lois Steinberg, PhD
English name: Extended Triangle Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Extend the Sides of the Waist.Take the shoulderblades into the back.Rotate the chest towards the ceilingDraw the outer hip underneath you.Back foot presses as much as front foot.Lengthen the underside of the chest and... more
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Angela Kukhahn in Utthita Parsvakonasana
English name: Extended Side Angle Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to keep the structure of the thoracic chest broad.Do not put dead weight on the bent leg.Outer edge of back foot presses into the mat.Tuck the right buttock in so that it remains in line with the outer right knee.... more
Ardha Chandrasana
Bobby Clennell in Ardha Chandrasana at Studio Bamboo Institute of Yoga 2010
English name: Half Moon Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Those who find it difficult to balance can use the support of the wall. During pregnancy, keep the hand elevated on a block to keep the pelvis broadened which makes breathing easier for the mother and space is... more
Cora Wen in Uttanasana
English name: Intense Stretch of the Spine Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
"Inhale the arms over head, palms forward, place hands beside the feet. Once the body stretches correctly, there is no need to extend the arms overhead first." - Geeta Iyengar, Yoga, A Gem for Women  Take... more
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Model: Kathleen Cunningham Credit: Clark Quinn, Yoga Journal 2001
English name: Inverted Two-Footed Staff Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Baddha Konasana
Model: Adri Kyser
English name: Bound Angle Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Intermediate
Upavistha Konasana
Model: Adri Kyser
English name: Seated Angle Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Intermediate
Janu Sirsasana
English name: Head of the Knee Pose
Practice type:
Practice level:
Model: Cynthia Woodring
English name: Intense Stretch of the West of the Body Pose
Practice type: Forward Bends
Practice level: Intermediate
Supta Baddha Konasana
Credit: Sara Agelasto
English name: Supine Bound Angle Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner
Supta Padangusthasana
Model: Erich Schiffmann
English name: Reclining Big Toe Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Supta Padangustasana II
English name: Supine Big Toe Pose II
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Intermediate
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
English name: Whole Body Bridge Formation Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Beginner
Stretch the spine towards the neck, keep the heels firmly on the ground. 
Viparita Karani
English name: Legs Up the Wall Pose [or] , Inverted Action Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner
Credit: Sara Agelasto
English name: Corpse Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner

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