Anantasana to Vasistasana: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class with Sara Agelasto | iHanuman


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Anantasana to Vasistasana: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class with Sara Agelasto

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Inspired by a forward extensions workshop with Advanced Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Lois Steinberg, this 75 minute all levels class culminates with a supported version of the challenging arm balance pose, Vasistasana, with the use of a chair. Recorded with Yoga Cville, the home to Iyengar Yoga in Charlottesville, Virginia by iHanuman Yoga Media.  

Props Recommended: Chair, Strap, Block, Bolster & Blankets. Alternative Props Can Be Used.

Model: Dona Holleman
English name: Easy Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Ashley Twiggs
English name: Vishnu's Couch Pose
Practice type: Forward Bends
Practice level: Intermediate
Supta Padangusthasana
Model: Erich Schiffmann
English name: Reclining Big Toe Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Supta Padangustasana II
English name: Supine Big Toe Pose II
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Intermediate
Supta Padangustasana III
English name: Supine Big Toe Pose III
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Intermediate
Jathara Parivartanasana
Model: Amy Colwell Bluhm, Ph.D Anahata Project
English name: Turning the Stomach Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
English name: Upward Extended Foot Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to maintain the chest open while keeping the face relaxed. Keep the lower back extended towards the tailbone during the movement of the legs.Stretch the arms over the head, palms facing towards the ceiling to... more
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Model: Dawn F. Cala Nova, Ibiza, Spain
English name: Downward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to stretch from the hands to the buttocks and from the heels to the buttocks. - Geeta Iyengar, Preliminary Course. Keep the feet parallel to each other and extend the toes. Move the trunk towards the legs. Take... more
Cora Wen in Uttanasana
English name: Intense Stretch of the Spine Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
"Inhale the arms over head, palms forward, place hands beside the feet. Once the body stretches correctly, there is no need to extend the arms overhead first." - Geeta Iyengar, Yoga, A Gem for Women  Take... more
English name: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Vasistha
Practice type: Arm Balances
Practice level: Intermediate
Salamba Sarvangasana I
Kate Hallahan Zuckerman in Salamba Sarvangasana I
English name: Supported Whole Body Pose
Practice type: Inversions
Practice level: Intermediate
Practice this pose with the guidance of a reputable teacher first. Practice this pose with a chair or a wall.  To Practice at the wall, place your 3 four-fold blanket and mat set up at the wall with the folded... more
Credit: Sara Agelasto
English name: Corpse Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner

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