Strengthen the Back: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class | iHanuman


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Strengthen the Back: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class

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Evoking the fire energy of summer, this challenging 75 minute iyengar yoga class is dedicated to strengthening the back body.

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Props Recommended: Wall, Strap, Chair, Bolster, Blocks and Blankets. Alternative props can be used.

Recorded with Yoga Cville, the home to Iyengar Yoga in Charlottesville, Virginia by iHanuman Yoga Media. View and Download More Yoga Classes & Workshops at

Model: Dona Holleman
English name: Easy Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Beginner
English name: Locust Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Beginner
The Closer the legs are together the more difficult the pose.To relieve lower back pain, the knees are bent, shins perpendicular to the floor. The thighs are lifted from the floor and the knees and thighs brought closer... more
English name: Crocodile Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Model: Kate Hallahan Zuckerman
English name: Cobra Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Beginner
Eka Pada Bhekasana
Model: Elsie Escobar
English name: One Leg Frog Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Model: Adri Kyser
English name: Bow Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Learn to raise the arch of the body up giving a backward pull to the arms. Balance on the abdominal area. - Geeta Iyengar, Yoga In Action Preliminary Course
Model: Adri Kyser
English name: Camel Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Learn to bend backward while keeping control over the legs. Learn to keep the shins pressed down in order to lift the thighs and spine. Do not distort the legs for the sake of bending.If you cannot take the hands down... more
English name: Sofa Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Lois Steinberg PhD in Urdhva Dhanurasana, Upward Bow Pose
English name: Upward Bow Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Model: Dawn F. Cala Nova, Ibiza, Spain
English name: Downward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to stretch from the hands to the buttocks and from the heels to the buttocks. - Geeta Iyengar, Preliminary Course. Keep the feet parallel to each other and extend the toes. Move the trunk towards the legs. Take... more
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Credit: Oksana Tara
English name: Upward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
This asana may be performed with the toes in the same positions as Chaturanga Dandasana.   Learn to raise the trunk higher up, using the arms as support.
Bharadvajasana I
Model: Kate Hallahan Zuckerman Credit: Ellie WIlliams, Cville
English name: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Bharadvaja
Practice type: Twists
Practice level: Beginner
Draw the shoulderblades in the back to lift the sternum. Learn to turn the spine laterally before attempting to clasp. Pay attention to the fact that the turn is always to the opposite side that the legs are placed on... more
Maricyasana I
Model: Noriko Credit: Michelle Haymoz
English name: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Beginner
From Utthita Marichyasana, practice Urdhva Hasta Maricyasana by extending the arms by the ears.Extend the trunk forward to reach for the foot and extend the spine towards the sky, dorsal spine in to lift the chest. This... more
Maricyasana III
Model: John Schumacher
English name: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Maricyasana III
Practice type: Twists
Practice level: Intermediate
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
English name: Upward Extended Foot Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to maintain the chest open while keeping the face relaxed. Keep the lower back extended towards the tailbone during the movement of the legs.Stretch the arms over the head, palms facing towards the ceiling to... more
Credit: Sara Agelasto
English name: Corpse Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner

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