John Schumacher Speaks on The Secret Treasure of Yogic Alignment | iHanuman


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John Schumacher Speaks on The Secret Treasure of Yogic Alignment

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John Schumacher in Krounchasana

May 19-23, 2008 marked the first annual National Institutes of Health (NIH) Yoga Week. The NIH Yoga Week is free and open to the public and this year's event boastest such yogic greats as Yogiraj Alan Finger, Senior Iyengar Teacher John Schumacher, Sat Bir Khalsa, and Dr. Timothy McCall.

iHanuman filmed and recorded several of the talks during the event and we are honored to offer them to you. In this talk given in a packed conference room to NIH doctors, researchers, yoga students and teachers, John addresses "The Secret Treasure of Yogic Alignment." There are 3 parts to the talk and one question from the audience. You can find the other videos by visiting our youtube channel. We would love to hear from you there. Please subscribe to our channel and tell us what you think! Enjoy!

Yoga Week would not have been possible with out the following individuals - Dr. Rachel Permuth-Levine (NIH), Virginia Hill (NIH), Sheria Washington (NIH)- cocreators of NIH Yoga Week 2008 Ms. Virginia Hill - Director, Public Relations Dr. Rhonda Moore, Director, Community Outreach Ms. Lauren Toussaint, Creative Outreach Ms. Pamela Jenkins, Mr. Christopher Gaines, Mr. Randy Schools - "We are indebted to these individuals. Without their assistance, Yoga Week would have only been in our imagination"

Senior Iyengar Teacher John Schumacher Speaks on the Secret Treasure of Yogic Alignment at the NIH Yoga Week.

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