Top 5 Yoga Poses for Your Growing Kid | iHanuman


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Top 5 Yoga Poses for Your Growing Kid

Healthy life is all you want for your kids to have. Why not go through this article and find out the top 5 yoga poses for your growing kid?

If every 8 years old in the world is taught meditation, then we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation. ~ Dalai Lama

Saying "Yes" to a positive thought is all you need to sort out your life on some days. People who listen to their intuitive self are most likely to reap the treasures of life than the people who fall in the "no" category.

Parenting is not an easy thing, but who doesn't want their kid to shine brighter than the rest of the kids. To excel in fields that are out of your reach? Yoga is a bi-product of a healthy lifestyle. Nobody wants to see their kid causing violence in the school, not being attentive and losing concentration in class, lacking in physical activities etc. To maintain a child's decorum, parents are stepping ahead of their comfort zone by introducing Yoga to their growing kids in the hope to inculcate its everlasting benefits.

Yoga Teacher Training in India has opened up the minds of a pseudo-mob-mentality. If you have got time, then imbibe the techniques showered by yoga-gurus at Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, just to make yourself cognizant of the magical powers of Yoga.

Be the reason for your children to cease the chances of going to a hospital in the coming future. Don’t sing the eerie chorus of medicinal needs when you can introduce Yoga to your kids at a very young age. The property of excellence is a legacy a young yogi carries!

Fun is the first and foremost important thing to keep your kids engaged in the yogic activity. So, make sure you have a good time with them. Here are our hand-picked top 5 Yoga poses for kids.

Top 5 Yoga Poses for your Kid

1. Tree Pose
Let’s start by challenging the balancing abilities of your kid.
For this pose, your kid will have to stand tall on one leg. Put your foot on the inner thigh of the first leg. Hold and switch the leg.

This pose will redeem the effort you put in to get your kid swayed into yogic action.
● Improves focus, concentration.
● Will make your kid more active and grounded.

2. Puppy Pose

As interesting as it may sound, this pose is going to excite the innocent faces of your kids.
For this pose, turn up your childhood and sit on your yoga mat with your kid. Keep your palms, head, knees, and feet on the surface but only your tailbone stretched up. Arms should be extended to the front.

● Stimulates mental stability.
● Blood flow through the brain triggers the alertness of the mind.

3. Bow Pose - Kids are more flexible than you think!
For this pose, lay down flat on the belly. Now, take the same-side arms back and hold your feet. Your arms have to be parallel to each other and you will end up with an arch in your back. Leaving you with a bow-like pose. Make your kids do this cradle pose and swing for some time.

Don't forget to ask them to take deep breaths.
● Strong spine and back flexibility.
● Building a solid core to hold the center of the body.
● Develop patience.

4. Lizard on a Rock (Partner Pose)

This pose needs parents or siblings involvement too!

Partners should sit on their knees, back touching each other while one partner should lean back, and get on the top of the other one. Kid underneath should extend the arms forward, and move the body downwards to touch the forehead on the ground. Hands and back of both the partners should eventually touch.

● Building a trust factor.
● Accentuate creativity skills.

5. Happy Baby Pose
Lie down on your back, keep your back flat on the ground and lift your legs up. Keep the knees bent and hold your feet with your hands.

Enjoy a good laugh session with your children.
● Mood booster and relieves stress.
● Melts away nervous energy.

Enthusiastic kids taking valuable Yoga lessons is the key to a locked door of a beautiful home of joy- a brighter tomorrow!

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