richard freeman | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

richard freeman

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Journal Post

We REALLY want to know. What do YOU want? April feels like the culmination of a great deal of work on many levels. We have made it through a long, challenging Winter where we spent time downsizing and taking inventory of what is working and what is not. We have made some hard decisions and have let go of what is no longer serving us. With the return of Spring is the Return of Hope. , the spiritual quality of the spring in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Yesterday turned out to be a relatively difficult day for me. And as difficult as it may have been it made complete sense, because we use food and drugs, like sugar, caffeine, and alcohol to escape from many of the feelings we feel. Organic Whole Food is a medicine. It nourishes, cleanses and heals. If you eat a bag of grapes, it may give you a bit of a sugar rush, but overall it will have a cleansing effect. Processed Food acts as a way to numb you out. When you are cleansing you are confronted with the real you. You can no longer use food as an excuse to socialize and "Do something". I realized that I often use food to get out of my daily routine and have fun.
My thanks to our conference co-coordinators and my dear friends, Patricia Walden and Linda DiCarlo, for their tireless efforts and their deep devotion that made this conference possible. Thanks also to all you workers and volunteers, in front of and behind the scenes for your invaluable and essential assistance. And, of course, thanks to all of you attendees for being here. Without you there wouldn't be any conference.
The first time I met Richard Freeman, director of the Yoga Workshop in Boulder, Colorado, was during the overture to the Primary Series (Ashtanga's classic postures): Sun Salutation number seven out of 10 on my first visit to his studio. Heeding the warnings about the crowds at his Sunday 3pm mysore class, I arrived cautiously early to claim a space. A good thing: By 2:55 the room buzzed with breath. At 2:59, Richard had not yet arrived. Uncertain of the protocol, I stood, pulse quickening, toes gripping my mat. I followed the cue of my classmates and began to practice.
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