Teachers Adjustments Class 12-02-2016 | iHanuman


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Teachers Adjustments Class 12-02-2016

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Recorded Live at Common Ground Healing Arts, this rare three hour Teachers Adjustments class began with Kofi describing the four ways bones can move within the body and then proceeded to demonstrate ways in which Teachers can understand this and apply it to hands-on adjustments with students. As there were many times Kofi, demonstrated these actions on the Teachers in the class, we captured several videos to supplement this teachers class. These videos can be accessed through Our Playlist Here. 

All of Kofi's classes are laced with his inspirational stories and all of his recordings on iHanuman are part of our Karma Collection where over 50% of the proceeds from the sales of the class will go towards charitable organizations. Kofi's Classes will benefit the venue, Common Ground Healing Arts

Kofi Busia
Teachers Adjustments Class 12-02-2016
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