Hatha Yoga Yoga: Studios, Downloads & Teachers | Page 2 | iHanuman


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Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga ( Ha -"Sun", Tha - "Moon", Yoga - "Union") is the term used to describe the physical practices of yoga, including asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), mudras (symbolic or ritual gestures), kriyas ( purification techniques), yogic diet, and yoga nidra (yogic sleep or deep relaxation). Remember that the practice of yoga is comprised of the eight limbs ( Yama [moral codes], Niyama [self-purification and study], Asana [posture], Pranayama [breath control], Pratyahara [sense control], Dharana [concentration], Dhyana [meditation], Samadhi [contemplation].

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Journal Post

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
Internationally Certified 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India 200 Hour Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India - Yoga Course Certified with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga School in Rishikesh.
100 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India 100 Hour Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India - Yoga Course Certified with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga School in Rishikesh. The 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (Pre-TTC) is first section of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Aatm Yogashala that conducts every month throughout the year, This short term course is designed for all walks of life people. For those who wants to learn yoga to become certified yoga teacher.
It has been a little while since you have received an email from us. If we are being totally honest, this past year was a particularly challenging one on a number of different levels, personal and professional. I remember reading and sharing about last year being the Year of the Fire Rooster, in Chinese Astrology. What I read, indicated that Rooster years are about doing the constant disciplined day to day work. I certainly found this to be true this last year. It was a year of keeping my nose to the ground, putting one foot in front of the other and doing the work. Have any of you found this to be true? 
It's Officially Summer! AND the International Day of Yoga! In honor of these two special events, we are offering some sequences for you to enjoy on International Yoga Day, as well as a discount in our download store from today until the end of June!
I made it through another Mother’s Day, but this year was different.  I have been inspired by women around the world who are sharing about their struggles with Mother’s Day; mothers who have lost children, women who have lost mothers and women who are not able to be mothers. Mother’s day has always been difficult for me, since I lost my mother, tragically, 28 years ago, just months before my thirteenth birthday. Once I recovered from the shock of the loss, which actually took about 5 years, I finally started to grieve. That grief, for me, has taken the better part of the last two decades. Thankfully, however, for about the last ten years, I have been deeply committed to healing that pain.
Spirituality and Science Spirituality and Science is seen by many as two separate things. What we normally call Science is that which we can measure, see and prove. From that perspective, Spirit is perhaps the last thing to be found in any microscope. Both science and spirituality are the search for truth. Science searches the truth of the physical world. Spirituality searches the truth of the consciousness and its relation to the physical world. Science and Spirituality Science provides us with information, but brings about no spiritual growth or transformation But Spiritual or contemplative approach must lead to a profound personal transformation in the way we perceive ourselves and the World
Yoga courses in India will let you catch the apt and best possible ways for performing the various types of asanas such as Meditation, Surya Namaskara, Kapalbhati Yoga and Sirsasana. Thus, ensure for seeking the useful and best possible ways now! Yoga classes in Rishikesh will let you avail the expert ways for performing the various types of asanas like Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Surya Namaskara, and several others. Thus, connect with the Yoga ashram which you think is accommodative and fit to your pocket and get apt results.
Dear Friends, It has been an exhausting couple of weeks here in the United States. In addition to everything we normally have going on in our lives, we are being tormented by misinformation, lies and deceit in the executive office of our government. It is hard to keep up with it all and this is leading to frustration, hopelessness and overwhelm. What can we do?
"In his search he discovers the three noble ways of word (jnana), work (karma), and worship (bhakti), which teach him that his inner light is the only guide leading to mastery over his own life.” - BKS Iyengar, Light on Pranayama
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is one of the best Yoga learning opportunities in India as it provides the down to earth modern amenities and quality Yoga teacher training with in the affordable fees which makes this Yogic experience of cost effective living and learning . It has been very famous Yoga destination in India for its salubrious climate. Because of this conducive environment for the Yoga training in Rishikesh, this spiritual town of temples has earned the name of World capital of Yoga. Yoga Teacher Training Upcoming Dates 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 2016, 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 2016, 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 2016, Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course 2016,
Welcome, Spring! The days grow longer and everything bursts with New Life! As much as I love to feel the warm sun shine and the longer days, the change of season is just that, CHANGE! After a long, dark, cold winter's nap, everything is waking up and it is easy to feel somewhat overwhelmed by it all.  The Spring Season is Liver/Gallbladder season - the Architect/ Planner and the Decision Maker. Now is the time to make our plans for the remainder of the year. What will we attempt to accomplish?
The reason why we practice, in the west, fast and vigorous yoga, is because we have lost the ability to slow down or be still. We go fast internally as well as externally. On a daily basis we move fast and we think fast. We get up in the morning with the feeling that we are already behind. We sit in front of our computers bombarded by demands to reply NOW. We are constantly catching our breath… and you know what catching the breath means? It means your breath goes faster than you, running away from you, and you try to catch it.
At the age of 10 I made a clear decision to never age. As a young sweet little girl whose main concern was to get as much attention as possible from the boys, at school I was terrified by the thought that I will ever have wrinkles, so I made a clear decision to kill my self at the age of 30. At the age of 30 I couldn’t wait to be 50 years old. I was already deep into the spiritual path, looking for my way out of the misery of my own existence. I was in a rapid process of letting go. Letting go of my past, my roots, letting go of all my identifications while forming a new self, a spiritual self that I hoped will rise above all my conditioned selves.
In Yoga, shoulder stand is known as the queen of all asanas while headstand is the king of all asanas. Thus, subtly suggesting that headstand is superior to shoulder stand But we all know that behind every powerful king there is an even more powerful queen…J The question remains: is headstand stand actually ‘better’ or more powerful than shoulder stand?
Sauca santosa tapah svadhyaya isvarapranidhanani niyamahCleanliness, contentment, religious zeal, self-study and surrender of the self to the supreme Self or God are the niyamas.”(II.32, iyengar)
ahimsa satya asteya brahmacarya aparigrahah yamah Non-violence, truth, abstention from stealing, continence, and absence of greed for possessions beyond one’s need are the five pillars of yama.
sutra II.30, light on the yoga sutras, bks iyengar  
I have no shame admitting that I tend to get a little carried away every now and then. Let's be honest, I wouldn't be the Capricious Yogi if I didn't!  In fact, with all the recent transition and activity swirling around me, it's a wonder that I'm not floating amongst the clouds for eternity. I've been up and down and all around. Without yoga and a grounding practice, I can only imagine how much more off kilter I'd be. Grounding. It's that feeling of stepping on my mat, finding my seat, connecting all four corners of my feet that ultimately rejuvenates me. It's the moments when I can take off my shoes and walk barefoot or feel the warm sand between my toes.
ONGOING CLASSES Yoga - All Levels, Sundays 10 - 11:30 am at Balance Studio Yoga for Osteoporosis, Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:45 am ~ contact Kym directly
Gentle Yoga for Health, Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:15
Gentle Yoga for Health, Saturdays 10 - 11:15 am ~ contact Kym directly Moving Forward, a program including yoga and therapeutic exercise for cancer survivors
Mondays 6 - 8pm October 2016, Hope Connections for Cancer Support, Bethesda MD IION, Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation retreat, Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts
"Yoga as an Integrative Healing Tool"
Paying attention to alignment in your yoga postures can be confusing.  Lift this, drop that; lengthen here, shorten there; soften one side and strengthen the other one.  And, in the meantime: don't forget to breathe. For many students, looking more closely at alignment can be intimidating. Alleviate that stress by breaking the postures up into sets with alignment points in common.   For example, in standing postures, we can say that we are either focusing on squaring the hips or on opening them.  Although this is somewhat of an oversimplification, it can help students that are newer to alignment principles get a handle on where to start.
I have mentioned before that I lost my mother at an young age. It was a devastating time to lose her, but from my perspective, any time is devastating. In an ideal world, your mother is the one who is there to pick you up when you fall and tell you that everything is going to be all right. She is your biggest fan and she is always looking out for what is best for you. I know this is the ideal and even those of you whose mother is alive and well, did not have this experience. But what if we could turn this around and treat each other with the kindness of the archetypal mother?
Although some are talking about another 40 inches of snow this month, March is the month of the spring equinox and therefore heralds the beginning of spring. Until then, we are still in the water element and the end of the winter.
We are surprised to find, or not find rather, Vrschikasana, Scorpion Pose, listed among the backbends or the arm balances on the Yoga Journal List of Poses. As we wind down our backbends as we approach the spring equinox, we would be remiss in not including this challenging backbend among our poses.
There is no one pose that is the most feminine pose. Some poses are more feminine than others and some poses make you feel more feminine on different days of your practice. Ardha Chandrasana, Half Moon Pose, always feels very feminine to me. Perhaps it is because when I practice it on a good day, I feel extremely graceful and elegant. And while the name, camel pose, may not sound very feminine, Ustrasana, is very uplifting and powerful.
Bhekasana or Frog Pose is another challenging backbend which requires strength not only in the back but also in the arms and flexibility in the shoulders. Bhekasana is best practiced after warming up with standing poses or other preparatory backbends.
Fine tune your approach to Corpse Pose through an exploration of varying teaching philosophies.
By Sara Avant Stover
Devika Gurung was one of my first yoga teachers. I met her while traveling to India to study Yoga. But Devika had just returned from India and opened a Yoga Centre in Pokhara, Nepal. I decided to spend 6 weeks with her helping her with her Yoga Centre and learning English and in exchange I lived with her like she lived in the Ashram in India. We practiced Jala Neti in the morning, meditation, asana twice a day, karma yoga, yoga nidra, and pranayama. It was an incredible experience and helped me on my path towards a daily yoga practice. She is an incredible inspiration to women and yoga teachers everywhere. I was particularly inspired by her dedication to helping Nepalis study yoga.
Discover how using themes can turn your yoga class from mundane to memorable. We all have yoga classes that stand out in our minds. Perhaps we found ourselves in a puddle of cathartic tears durning Savasana (Corpse Pose) or euphoric after rising into an unassisted Sirsasana (Headstand) for the first time. Something that the teacher said, or simply her way of being, can stick with us for years. As yoga teachers, we all want to deliver such classes. We want to touch our students' hearts, even long after they leave their yoga mats.
So, then, what is it that sets an exemplary yoga class apart froma forgettable one? Is there a method behind the magic? The Power of Themes
If you're like most people nowadays, you probably spend a good portion of your waking hours sitting, mainly at your desk at work, but also driving in your car, at home reading or watching TV. But in fact humans aren't well adapted to spend long hours every day sitting in a chair. Our bodies crave and thrive on movement. Sitting, especially for prolonged periods of time, is actually more stressful on our spine, and the little spongy disks between the bony vertebrae, than standing. This stress is compounded by two other problems: most modern chairs are poorly designed for healthy sitting, and most people have poor posture (and not only while sitting but standing as well).


Prana Yoga College International is pleased to offer our one month intensive Yoga Teacher Training Program in retreat Padma Farma, Czech Republic. Place: Padma Farma Retreat (Czech Republic) click here for the official website>> Dates: July 27th – August 27th, 2015 Teachers : Shakti Mhi and Pepe Danza (click to read more about them) Language: English The course is recognized by Yoga Alliance Daily Schedule: 7 AM: yoga class 9 AM: breakfast 10 AM: study 2 PM: lunch 5 PM: yoga class 7 PM: dinner 8:30 PM: meditation Program Subjects: Anatomy And Physiology
Why Yoga Teaching Fundamentals?“Firm ground in your Yoga practice and Teaching comes from committing to practice for a long time, without interruption and with devotion.”
— Patanjali yoga SutraBecome the best yoga teacher you can be. Learn the wisdom of yoga as an authentic practice, healing art and gift to your community. Immerse yourself in a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course that provides firm ground in the action and alignment principles of Yoga.The Transformation Yoga Teacher Training is an established 200 hour Registered Yoga Alliance School.
For many years Shakti and Pepe’s wish has been to provide free yoga classes to all, and open the door for many people to experience the benefits of yoga without hesitation due to economic factors. This idea always looked almost impossible in the modern world where money is the dominant force, but after Shakti and Pepe moved to Israel they decided that maybe they can find a model that will work well with their wish. One thing was clear to them: they cannot do this on their own… they will need a community to support this model.
For many years Shakti and Pepe’s wish has been to provide free yoga classes to all, and open the door for many people to experience the benefits of yoga without hesitation due to economic factors. This idea always looked almost impossible in the modern world where money is the dominant force, but after Shakti and Pepe moved to Israel they decided that maybe they can find a model that will work well with their wish. One thing was clear to them: they cannot do this on their own… they will need a community to support this model.
Prana Yoga College International is pleased to offer you an intensive level-1 yoga teacher training program in Retreat Hara Cantrum, Czech Republic. During the Yoga Alliance-certified program you will get thorough yoga subjects from postures (asanas), meditation, anatomy and physiology to its history and philosophy. Experienced yoga teachers Shakti Mhi and Pepe Danza will guide you so that you may master yoga and find your own creative way to pass the knowledge to others. Join the program, engage in yoga, and find peace of mind. Place: Retreat Hara Cantrum (near Prague, Czech Republic)
Dates: September 22 – October 21, 2014 Teachers : Shakti Mhi and Pepe Danza Language: English
All levels Hatha class. Classes cover suryanamaskar, standing asanas, inversions, backbends, seated forward bends, leg and arm balances, twists, supine & prone asanas, shavasana and breathing. Focus on alignment, breathing & awareness.
In this ongoing class, we will build strength and flexibility with the practice of standing poses, seated poses, twists and backbends. We will also explore a safe introduction to and practice of the integral inversion, Shoulder Stand. This class is recommended for students with some yoga experience.  If you have any questions, please contact me. :)
This class introduces students to the basic form of classical yoga postures at a slow and progressive pace. It is appropriate for brand new beginners, as well as more experienced students who would like to refresh themselves on the basics.
The classic yoga postures are incorporated in a progressive and comprehensive manner, organized around specific physical or philosophical themes. This class is appropriate for all levels of students.
The classic yoga postures are incorporated in a progressive and comprehensive manner, organized around specific physical or philosophical themes.This class is appropriate for all levels of students.
The classic yoga postures are incorporated in a progressive and comprehensive manner, organized around specific physical or philosophical themes.This class is appropriate for all levels of students.

iHanuman Features

Recorded Live at Common Ground Healing Arts in Charlottesville, Virginia. These demonstrations supplement the Audio Recordings of the entire workshop found in the iHanuman Download Store. Over 50% of the net proceeds from the sales of Kofi's classes on iHanuman will benefit Common Ground Healing Arts, a non-profit working towards affordable healthcare for all.
Recorded by Saraswati at Studio 206 in Charlottesville, VA. We release this video in honor of mother's day and women in general. Practice Moon Salutations as you would Sun Salutations, but use moon salutations to evoke your feminine side.
Filmed by Saraswati at Studio 206 in Charlottesville, Virginia. Hatha Yoga Teacher Cynthia Woodring breaks down the strength and poise required for Garudasana, Eagle Pose.
Captured as part of our in the studio series with Saraswati, this interview highlights the work of Street Yoga, a non-profit organization in Portland, Oregon. Street Yoga's mission is to give youth and their caregivers the tools to overcome early life trauma, through the sharing of life-building mindfulness and wellness practices grounded in the ancient healing principles of yoga. Street Yoga holds teacher trainings across the US. Check out www.streetyoga.org for more information.
iHanuman is honored to offer you the third in our series of lectures from the First Annual NIH Yoga Week. Timothy McCall, M.D. is a board-certified internist, the Medical Editor of Yoga Journal, and the author of two books, including Yoga as Medicine. Since 2000, his main focus has been examining the therapeutic aspects of yoga from a scientific perspective. His most recent book,Yoga As Medicine, begins to address the question which the NIH Yoga Week asks: "How can doctors and researchers bring Yoga into the main stream as a therapeutic modality with scientific support?" Dr. McCall is a critical spokesperson as a researcher AND practitioner of yoga for over 10 years.
Hanuman is the monkey god most renowned for his service, strength and devotion. His story is told as part of the Hindu Mythological Epic, The Ramayana. This week, we would like to offer a free audio download of a yoga class dedicated to Hanuman, called Hanumanasana.
Victor Van Kooten was born in Holland and began practicing yoga in 1966 with renowned teacher Dona Holleman. He moved to Pune, India to study with B.K.S. Iyengar and became one of the first certified Senior Advanced Iyengar teachers in the world. Following a traumatic experience that left him partially paralyzed, he became fascinated with the energy body and began to explore its subtle wisdom and healing power. The insights that accompanied his eventual recovery caused him to look anew at how yoga was being taught and to question the efficacy of forceful practices and methods.

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Have a free 42 minute private yoga class with Shakti Mhi and Pepe Danza. Blissful meditative flow for all. Elevate your yoga practice to be a spiritual one and not just physical. Remember, pain is not part of yoga so celebrate!


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