200hr Yoga Teacher Training | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Prana Yoga College International is pleased to offer our one month intensive Yoga Teacher Training Program in retreat Padma Farma, Czech Republic. Place: Padma Farma Retreat (Czech Republic) click here for the official website>> Dates: July 27th – August 27th, 2015 Teachers : Shakti Mhi and Pepe Danza (click to read more about them) Language: English The course is recognized by Yoga Alliance Daily Schedule: 7 AM: yoga class 9 AM: breakfast 10 AM: study 2 PM: lunch 5 PM: yoga class 7 PM: dinner 8:30 PM: meditation Program Subjects: Anatomy And Physiology shakti is very passionate about the anatomy and physiology of Yoga. Through her years of teaching she has created unique ways to deliver the information and help her students deepen their interest in this fascinating and very important component of Yoga Teacher training. You will never hear her using complicated explanations or daunting medical terminology that make your eyes cross. You will however, see lots of PowerPoint presentations as well as hands-on demonstrations of how the body functions inside and out. Asanas /Postures Classic hatha postures are taught in precise detail. For each posture students are encouraged to understand the human anatomy, safety precautions and variations of each posture. Learn to move through the postures of yoga with grace and control. Gain the skills to pass these details on to your students. Learn how to modify postures for different needs and body types. Teach with wisdom and compassion. Variations The art of teaching yoga is knowing the different variations for the asanas (Yoga poses). By offering the right variation to the right student, you prevent the beginners from hurting themselves and help the more advanced Yogis and Yoginis to still be challenged. By doing so you create a very rich teaching that suits all Yoga students regardless of their abilities. The various Yoga asanas and their multiple variations will be deconstructed and demonstrated in detail. Building Flows If individual asanas (postures) make up the vocabulary of yoga, then flows are the sentences and the stories of yoga. You will learn to choose the story you wish to tell your students, a story that is ultimately about themselves. Learn to lead yoga classes that flow like poetry. Zen Meditation Dropping one’s ego is fundamental to teaching yoga. Zen practice greatly helps the yoga teacher step out of his or her shell and adapt to whatever circumstances present themselves. Thus, teaching comes “from the floor” and not from a script in one’s head. History and Philosophy An understanding of the evolution of yoga through the millennia aids tremendously in understanding the contemporary practice. Yoga has had a varied and colourful history and has influenced and been influenced by wide-ranging philosophies and world-views. No less colourful are the people who have practiced and taught yoga from Siva and Patanjali to the “yoga celebrities” of the 21st century. Hands-on Teaching One of the most critical of the teaching modalities is the practical hands on approach to correcting the postures. Proper adjustment is often critical for maintaining safety of the student. It also allows for taking the more advanced students to the next level of their abilities. Body Language Communication Approximately 90% of human communication is non-verbal. The ability to read body language effectively is important to assess the students’ level of attention, state of mind and their level of physical comfort. Many students allow their egos to push them beyond their abilities and knowing their limitations. Learning the skills to anticipate behaviour before it happens is an important tool in maintaining safety and cohesiveness of the Yoga class. Multi-Sensory Teaching Recognizing the fact that people absorb information differently, we give the students tools to convey the instructions in a variety of ways to achieve the desired results. We teach how to recognize students who absorb information primarily verbally, visually or kinesthetically. Pranayama Breath is the foundation of all yoga practice. Our life starts and ends with one breath and in between life unfolds itself through our breath. There is a great emphasis in our course on breathing and on how breath can be used to cultivate prana (life force) as a bridge to our higher self. Shat Karma Shat Karma is an ancient cleansing method that keeps both the mind and body healthy. Workshops are offered during the program; which give students a strong foundation to learn about Shat Karma methods in a safe environment with emphasis on how they can incorporate it in their lives in a practical way. Small, Interactive, Dynamic, Multimedia Environment There is no one way to teach yoga. The instructions you learn will evolve through your own experiences and the shared experiences of your group. Just as yoga students learn in different ways, so do yoga teachers. Thus, the Yoga Teacher Training is blend of interactive discussions, hands-on teaching, active analysis of yoga classes, and multimedia presentations.
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