Dr. Timothy McCall Addresses the National Institutes of Health on Yoga As Medicine | iHanuman


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Dr. Timothy McCall Addresses the National Institutes of Health on Yoga As Medicine

Yoga Style: 
Dr. Timothy McCall

iHanuman is honored to offer you the third in our series of lectures from the First Annual NIH Yoga Week. Timothy McCall, M.D. is a board-certified internist, the Medical Editor of Yoga Journal, and the author of two books, including Yoga as Medicine. Since 2000, his main focus has been examining the therapeutic aspects of yoga from a scientific perspective. His most recent book,Yoga As Medicine, begins to address the question which the NIH Yoga Week asks: "How can doctors and researchers bring Yoga into the main stream as a therapeutic modality with scientific support?" Dr. McCall is a critical spokesperson as a researcher AND practitioner of yoga for over 10 years. He is the medical contributor to Yoga Journal. In addition to the writings he generously shares on his website, you can also listen to audio recordings from Yoga Journal Conferences.

Thanks to all of the organizers and participants of the first annual Yoga Week. We look forward to the second Annual Yoga Week in September 2009.

Yoga Week would not have been possible with out the following individuals: Dr. Rachel Permuth-Levine (NIH), Virginia Hill (NIH), Sheria Washington (NIH)- cocreators of NIH Yoga Week 2008 Ms. Virginia Hill - Director, Public Relations Dr. Rhonda Moore, Director, Community Outreach Ms. Lauren Toussaint, Creative Outreach Ms. Pamela Jenkins, Mr. Christopher Gaines, Mr. Randy Schools

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