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Nothing ruins a great Sunday like a bad case of winter flu. Just imagine being sick all day long when you have an extremely important work deadline to meet. Or not being able to get out of bed to be with friends and family. The disadvantages of getting terrible flu cannot be countered after you have acquired it. Then it’s a bit of a journey to the road of suffering. Falling sick is probably for the cavemen who didn’t know yoga or were simply busy sharpening their rocks for hunting. Now that we are living in the 21st century, let’s head for an awesome yoga teacher training in Nepal that will teach us amazing preventive yoga moves that can keep us fit and healthy for longer periods. Not only does yoga improve our immunity, but it also provides our bodies that much needed strength to fight flu attacks. So get down on your feet because this article will help you get up on your feet with a spark of good health with yoga moves.
Here a 5 yoga moves you can do to increase your immunity like never before:...

posted: 4 years 4 months ago
posted: 5/3/19
People often confuse Ashtanga vinyasa yoga with ancient yoga. But, the truth is Ashtanga yoga is derived from classical Indian yoga by K. Pattabhi Jois in the 20th century. This contemporary form of yoga includes the practice of Ashtanga i.e. the eight limbs; though the first four limbs (Yama, niyama, asanas, and pranayama) are given utmost priority. Although Ashtanga vinyasa yoga was originally taught in Mysore, now it has spread across the world, whether it is Ashtanga vinyasa yoga in Nepal, Kerala, Thailand, Spain, Costa Rica, etc. Previously, this modern yoga was practiced without being...
posted: 4/22/19
Ashtanga denotes eight limbs. These limbs are actually principles of the yogic science that form the core of Ashtanga Yoga. These are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Although Ashtanga Yoga has been prevalent since the ancient time, it was popularized in the 20th century by Pattabhi Jois, an Indian yogi. He was of the opinion that the third limb, Asana, should be practiced and mastered before all other limbs. Over the years, Ashtanga Yoga’s substance as a wellness exercise has only increased substantially. Here, we will discuss the benefits of...
posted: 4/15/19
If you wish to enrol for hatha yoga but unaware of its myriad of benefits; the following article has an insight into the benefits of hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is one of the ancient forms of yoga available to us which makes it one of the most popular forms of yoga. This ancient form was designed specifically to focus on the cleansing, purification, and alignment of the body. Practicing hatha yoga balances the solar and lunar energy present within the body. It cleanses the body internally and brings intimacy between the mind, body, and soul. Moreover, it also acts as a pathway for higher...
posted: 4/4/19
To be an evolved practitioner and an eminent yoga teacher, you need to undergo yoga training, and all the better if it is Nepal. Explore the article and know why to do yoga teacher training in Nepal and the opportunity the country bestows. Traverse to the land that witnesses the mystical merger of nature, spirituality, and yoga, and submerge deep into this magical world created by the country of Nepal. Renowned as the meditation capital, Nepal is an ancient yogic land of yoga that bestows you a wonderful opportunity to discover ‘self’ and form a connection with your spiritual...

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