Breath Awareness | Page 4 | iHanuman


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Breath Awareness

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Breathing is one of the only processes in the body that can be either voluntary or involuntary, thus providing us with a doorway into internal processes and deeper relationships within our body.  While the main physical purpose of breathing is to bring oxygen into the body whilst releasing carbon dioxide as waste, breath has many other functions and roles.  Notice the cycle or phases of the breath:- Inhalation, the pause at the top of the inhalation, exhalation, the pause at the bottom of exhalation.  Within the waveform of the breath, these different phases are landmarks for exploration within the breathing process.  Each phase has unique features and characteristics.  Our breathing phases can help us do many things such as create space in our body, release tension and discomfort, and quiet the mind.  Optimizing our breathing and taking full deep breaths help ensure optimum wellness on every level.

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