Journal Posts | iHanuman


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Journal Posts

In the world of business, we are often seen seeking a break in life. A regular routine is not more than a maze. It is quite tough to reschedule the whole daily ledger in a go. Furthermore, fixing a new task in the busy routine is again so difficult.

Living a life today has just become a process of earning whereas life is a lot more beyond a monotonous routine.

Being among machines and gadgets has left the natural scent of life far behind. But to the greatness, people are getting aware of this diminishing cosmic tinge of humans.

Similarly, adding a yoga class in your daily plan is easy but progressing consistently can be a bit difficult.

Yoga has recently gained a comeback in recent years.
Yoga has been adopted by several people in the world to reconnect with nature. Yoga has become a utility today. Some do yoga to live their interest, some for reviving wellness and some to start their career as a yoga teacher.

No matter what is your reason to join yoga, but yoga has many more benefits than what just meets your eyes...

posted: 4 years 2 months ago
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