Lois Steinberg PhD | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

Lois Steinberg PhD

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Journal Post

Summertime and the Living is Easy, Right? Or is it?

Summertime is when all of the hard work we put in during the year begins to come to fruition. It is the time of year of growth, maturation and expansion. But it can be a challenging time of year for many who are naturally fiery with a quick temper or who tend to overheat in summer's hot sun. Any one of us can overheat much more easily in the summer, so it is particularly important that we pay attention to the heat in our external and internal environment. Luckily, we can use our diet and yoga practice to help moderate our internal temperature to balance out whatever is going on externally. Enjoy some of our favorite practices in our monthly newsletter.
This Winter has been a doozy! Lots of sickness, sniffles, fevers, record-breaking temperatures and snowfall! It has been challenging just to stay afloat. Interestingly enough, the winter season is connected to the water element and all we are really meant to do is float; float along the currents of the oscillating waves around us. It can be challenging, however, to remember to go with the flow in the Winter time when our constantly, on-the-go, 24/7, around-the-clock technologically overcharged universe never stops.
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