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Interestingly, if you execute a search for the word gratitude, some of the top results are links to research by academic institutions such as Harvard Medical School. Research has been conducted on the beneficial effects of gratitude on our health and wellbeing and has shown that by expressing gratitude, you decrease the focus on negative emotions and report improved mental health. Gratitude research has also shown long lasting positive effects on brain scans.

Gratitude is in line with our yoga practice as it brings us right into the present moment. We are typically grateful for something that we already have instead of focused on the past or the future. Gratitude acts similarly to one of the antidotes in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to the fluctuations of the mind. Sutra 1.33 emphasizes expressing compassion, friendliness and happiness to cultivate a favorable disposition of the consciousness.

The holidays may be difficult for many. This is one of the reasons why we practice. So we have the tools for when the present moment is uncomfortable or challenging. Take care of...

posted: 1 year 4 months ago
Hanuman Jack-o-Lantern Credit: Charles Wandag
posted: 11/18/19
Halloween has always been a favorite celebration of mine. I love coming up with a costume and actually creating something beautiful or scary to wear. I teach yoga this Halloween so I have had a lot of fun turning my creativity towards designing a sequence of poses that are in the Halloween theme. My sequence includes poses like Skeleton Pose, Full Moon Pose, Zombie Pose, Rabid Dog Pose, Headless Headstand Pose, Frankenstein Pose, Swarming Locusts Pose, Dead Bug Pose and of course Corpse Pose. You can see a link to the traditional names of these yoga poses here. If you have...
Dr. Steffany Moonaz in Dandasana
posted: 10/9/19
We have entered my most favorite time of year. Earth is the name that the Chinese give to the energy of late summer. Earth is the time of harvest and gathering. It is the midpoint in the cycle of life. The time when we raise a family, create a body of work, settle down, and begin to reap the rewards of our labors. Our thoughts turn to nurturing, parenting, mentoring and mothering.  Earth governs our bodies, our flesh and our ability to nourish ourselves through the foods that we eat. Earth governs our cycles - sleeping, eating and breathing. Earth energy also helps us on a mental...
Lois Steinberg in Kapotasana
posted: 8/7/19
Can we finally begin to breathe a sigh of relief? July was unbearably hot. August invites a cooling down period or at least tells us there is an end in sight! We kept visions of cool ponds, pools, rivers and oceans everywhere we went. In southwestern Virginia, we were lucky to receive plenty of rain in the spring and early summer, but now everything is dry and hot! We want to be sure to mention some news that came out this month, "For First Time Ever, Scientists Identify How Many Trees to Plant and Where to Plant Them to Stop Climate Crisis." We are very excited about this because...
posted: 6/14/19
Wow Friends! We are almost halfway through the year and there is so much to celebrate! The summer solstice is right around the corner and with it the peak growth and full blooms of all of our hard work this year. The first official day of summer is also the day that the United Nations chose to celebrate International Yoga Day! There are events happening globally. It is an opportune time to be with your community to celebrate the gifts of yoga and share those benefits with others. Our community in Virginia is offering 4 free classes in honor of International Yoga Day. The class I will teach is...
Photo Credit: Mwangi Gatheca
posted: 5/14/19
As we discussed last month, Spring not only brings with it the ability to plan and organize, as the time of year of Liver/Gallbladder Energy. But now is the time to lighten the load on these organs by consuming more of the fresh green (and sour) foods that are in season. One of the best things about these foods being in season, is that they can also be foraged and free. As long as you have access to an organic wild meadow, you can find dandelion greens, chickweed and violets everywhere you look! The taste associated with the springtime is sour, but beware as too much of this flavor can be...
Tim Miller in Padmasana
posted: 3/29/19
Happy Spring! This is always an exciting time of year. After a long winter's rest the spring flowers are beginning to bud and bloom. There is so much potential! Spring brings with it the energy of Wood in Traditional Chinese Medicine. We see this in the energy of the green shoots sprouting out of the ground. If used wisely, Liver energy is perfect for envisioning, planning and organizing. We till the ground and plant the seeds for the fruits that will come later in the year. What are your goals? What do you hope to accomplish in the coming year? And what are the steps you will take to get...
Pixie Lillas in Urdhva Dhanurasana
posted: 3/7/19
While we spent January in introspection and reflection,  February brought a welcome lightness as we passed through the midway point from the Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox. We also recognized the Lunar New Year and I found myself getting even more excited about the New Year and the possibility of things to come. It can be challenging to stay grounded in the present moment as we contemplate the potential of the coming spring. Every year, we renew our commitment to continue to rest during the cloak of winter time. Spring will return before we know it. Winter's stillness...
New Year Restorative
posted: 1/16/19
Dear Friends, Last month, we emphasized staying centered and grounded within as we transition through the darkest time of year. We are on the other side of the winter solstice, but wintertime encourages us to remain reflective and drawn in, not to overextend ourselves as our energies are different at this time of year. Continue to take advantage of the shorter days and longer nights. Go to bed early and encourage deep rest during the remaining few weeks of winter. We have transitioned into the Water time of year. With the extreme cold temperatures outside and the dry heat indoors, we need to...
Winter Solstice Photo Credit Aaron Burden
posted: 1/15/19
Dear Friends,  We hope you took advantage of our call to restart or reinvigorate your pranayama practice this Autumn.  It is a subtle and yet profound cleansing process we can engage in.  This season is the time to cleanse the lungs and large intestine. This is not the time to live it up and binge on food, drink and stimulation as many of us are encouraged to do during the holidays.  We are passing through the darkest days of the year; the time of ultimate introspection, reflection and receptivity, currently dominated by the air element which can...
Geeta S Iyengar
posted: 12/20/18
We are saddened to lose one of the world's most influential yoga teachers. Geeta Iyengar, the daughter of BKS Iyengar, passed away at 74, just after celebrating her father's 100th birth anniversary. Geeta has been a guru to many serious students of yoga; guiding us with her expertise in the practice of yoga for women. Her books Yoga a Gem for Women, Yoga for Motherhood as well as the Preliminary Course and the Intermediate Course are textbooks for students and teachers along with her father's collection of books. Geeta was the ultimate disciple, who was dedicated to her father and...

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