Journal Posts | iHanuman


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Journal Posts

Photo by Mwangi Gatheca on Unsplash

One of my first experiences with yoga was a kundalini yoga class at a YMCA in Oregon. My friends and I would attend every week. Although, I had no idea why the woman leading the class wore a turban on her head, it was the highlight of my week. One of the poses we practiced was Urdhva Prasarita Padasana. As we lay down on our backs, our arms remained along the sides of our body while our feet extended up to the ceiling. Instead of stretching the palms, we created fists with our hands and beat the ground with our fists for about 60 seconds. Afterwards, we  bent our knees and rested on our backs for a few moments before moving on to the next pose. (Which was always something like Virabhadrasana II while breathing Kapalabhati Pranayama.) Even at the very early stages of my yoga practice, I understood that this relatively simple practice was hugely effective for releasing anger and I have practiced it several times since. It was the first time that I truly comprehended the mind body connection; that I can do something...

posted: 5 years 4 days ago
posted: 12/2/10
If people walk the eight - limbed path of yoga they do not harm, do not steal, nor do they lie. They are more clean and healthy, more moderate, more content. If the reason we walk this planet is to know God then we cannot see ourselves as separate from. When we see ourselves as separate from, it is easier to want more for our own goals, instead of being content with what is. This is a life long practice and why we return again and again to experience it. So to break free of the cycles of suffering, we practice yoga. This also means we study the scriptures or ancient texts and we seek the...
posted: 11/30/10
I have to say, in many ways, I am grateful for a reprieve from the daily gratitude post, but it has also been an excellent discipline and learning process. Typically I write my morning pages every morning and move on with my day from there. But this month, I have had to stay put in my seat and write for another hour to get a Gratitude Post on iHanuman. And the fact that I am writing about gratitude has set the tone for the day. So I would like to keep as part of my daily ritual to contemplate what I am grateful for every day. It is also very possible to write a post every day and still get to...
posted: 11/29/10
My sister and I like to go on an annual retreat if we can. This year we return to We Care Holistic Health Center for a cleanse. During my first visit, I was very impressed with the whole energy of this oasis in the the Palm Springs Desert. I attribute this "vibe" in large part to the Center's founder, Susana Belen. Susana took her healing crisis into her own hands and turned it into a program to help others. Most of her philosophies are simple and many of them are typical teachings of the traditional healing methods. One philosophy, however,�Â�  struck me in particular during one of Susana's...
posted: 11/28/10
Today we shifted our life around literally and figuratively. Literally because we are moving spring and summer clothes up to the attic in favor of the warmer variety.�Â�  We did so just in time for our first heavy frost last night of 25 degrees! And I am just about to receive many boxes from my childhood which were waiting for us to create space. In some senses it feels like a grandiose task. Figuratively because this is what happens when you move things around. According to philosophies of aesthetics like Vastu from the Indian Tradition and Feng Shui from the Chinese Tradition, your home and...
posted: 11/27/10
Because we grew up on the water, I find that I cannot live too far away from its rhythm for too long. The visit is always sacred. Today I stood strong for the winds were heavy, watched, felt and listened to Neptune and Poseidon. I breathed their breath. It was definitely too chilly for a swim. Today I am grateful to the vastness of the ocean and all of its stories of triumph and failure.
posted: 11/26/10
On a bad day,�Â�  the over-consumption in our culture can cause me to rant and rave. On good days, I tend to just look at it as the way things are. Usually my husband and I boycott shopping on Black Friday in particular. But this year actually felt a little bit different. We have been working hard in 2010 to simplify and de-clutter. We have made several trips to the recycling center and donated countless items to the free-cycle shed and the local thrift store. By doing this, we have a more accurate accounting for what we have and what we need. It became very clear to me that my husband has...
posted: 11/25/10
After a very powerful ceremony a few days ago, I woke up thinking of this blessing for Thanksgiving. Hold Hands. Close your Eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths and drop the weight down into your feet. Feel your place on the ground. Give Thanks for the solid foundation on the earth and for this physical structure surrounding you; This beautiful home; a place for families to gather. Take a few more deep breaths and draw the breath into the belly. Make space for the wonderful food which you are about to receive. All of this food which has been lovingly prepared by so many hands. And it is at...
posted: 11/24/10
We have FOUR events to attend over the next 36 hours! This is how my very social new married family rolls, but it is important for me to have a plan in place so I can enjoy myself physically and emotionally during this busy time.�Â�  So what is my plan of attack to survive this holiday with grace? 1. Exercise - Our families live just blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and I can never keep myself away while I am home. I plan to take several walks on the beach over the next 3 days. (And there are several little furry friends who can join me.) I will walk tomorrow morning and since I can walk to my...
posted: 11/23/10
Those of you who know me well, know that I came to yoga almost 13 years ago because I sustained an injury in a dance class in Africa. I have actually never fully recovered from it, but it teaches me something every day. Particularly lately I have been yearning to dance again. My friend Christine also studied dance in Africa and she teaches an AFRI-CArdio class at the local community center. She stopped teaching for a while because of a broken toe, but she taught a teaser class last night to get people ready to start up again in January. I decided to go and I am so grateful that I did. I...
posted: 11/22/10
Last night was the full moon and I spent the entire day in ceremony. This full moon was a particularly auspicious one because it is the Full Moon of Initiation and the Lunar Celebration of the Beginning of Winter. Traditionally�Â�  all of the harvest had been stored for the winter and all debts for the year were paid. Traditionally ceremonies were held to release our shadow selves to the eternal flame that burns through the winter and let it burn in transformation for the spring. We release those parts of ourselves that no longer serve us so we can preserve energy for that which we want to...

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