Vrksasana (Tree Pose) | Page 3 | iHanuman


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English Name: 
Tree Pose
Practice Type: 
Practice Level: 
Asana Image: 
Darlene Bink in Vrksasana
Asana Description: 

"Standing straight on the left leg, bend the right leg and place the right foot on the root of the left thigh. Stand thus like a tree on the ground. This is called Vrikshasana."- The Gheranda-samhita II.36

  1. Stand in Tadasana
  2. Bend the right leg and place the right heel at the root of the left thigh, toes pointing downwards.
  3. Balance on the left leg. Join the palms and raise the arms overhead.
  4. Breathe in the pose and then lower the arms and separate the palms.
  5. Straighten the Right leg and stand again in Tadasana.

The challenge of the Vrksasana is maintaining balance on one leg. Poor balance is often the result of a restless mind or distracted attention. Regular practice of this posture will help focus the mind and cultivate concentration (dharana).

When practicing Vrksasana it may help to imagine or picture a tree in the mind and apply the following technique:    

Imagine that the foot you are balanced on is the root of the tree and the leg is the trunk. Continue by imagining the head and outstretched arms as the branches and leaves of the tree. You may be unsteady for a while and find the body swaying back and forth, but don't break the concentration. Like a tree bending in the wind and yet remaining upright, the body can maintain balance.

Aim to achieve the "rootedness" and firmness of a tree. Regular practice of the Vrksasana improves concentration, balance and coordination. Because the weight of the entire body is balanced on one foot, the muscles of that leg are strengthened and toned as well.

As you advance in this posture and are able to remain standing for more than a few moments, try closing the eyes and maintaining your balance.

See Bobby Clennell's Illustration of and Description of Vrksasana.

Sanskrit Pronunciation: 

This pose tones the legs muscles and shoulder muscles and give a sense of poise and balance.

Beginners Tips: 
  • The pelvis is level.
  • Spread the front of the pelvis.
  • Lengthen the inner groin to bring the bent knee in line with the hips.
  • Toes point towards the floor.
  • Draw the abdomen towards the spine. 
  • Release the tailbone down. 
  • Lift the Side Chest
  • Outer shoulders move back.
  • Inner shoulderblades in the back. 
Modifications and Props : 

Balance with your back against a wall.
Balance near the wall - Slide arm up the wall to join the other arm in Urdhva Hastasana

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